Mussel soup

Mussel soup
Mussel soup 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Carefully brush the mussels under running water, removing the filaments and eliminating those that are already open, then boil in a saucepan with the white wine, shallots, onion and parsley, Bay leaves and dill, low flame for 5 minutes.

The heat will open the mussels: If someone were to remain closed, throw it.

Remove the clam from the mussels open, remove hard margin.

Cut carrots and celery into strips not too thin, then FRY them in a pan with butter, a medium flame for a few minutes, not browned, stirring constantly to prevent sticking to the bottom of the container.

Pass through a sieve the cooking of mussels and pour it in the pan with the vegetables.

Add the fish stock of fish.

Please reduce the preparation until approximately 1 litre of soup.

At this point add the cream (minus a few tablespoons) and bring to a boil, over medium heat, stirring constantly.

Simmer until the soup has a creamy consistency, then add the mussels and let heat all together without boil, otherwise the mussels become tough and chewy.

In a jug beat together the egg yolk and cream with a whisk, then add them to the soup and cook over low heat to thicken.

Remember that the soup should not boil.

Remove from heat and season with salt and curry, replacing the latter, if you prefer, with a ground white pepper.

Serve the soup hot, sprinkled with chopped parsley.

Mussel soup

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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