The polyps montanara

The polyps montanara
The polyps montanara 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Boil the Octopus with half an onion, bay leaf, parsley and celery.

Chop a sprig of parsley and two tomatoes, normally they do friendship soon; pour the result in a pan with oil and salt, FRY for a short period of time at very low heat.

Drain and slice thin polyps, then add them in the pan with half a glass of wine, which is always good blood, simmer everything on low flame for about 20 minutes.

Are now one or more true Highlanders, I recommend those in the Dolomites, and share everything with them; at the end of dinner you won't understand a word of what you said, but you'll be eating Octopus at montanara.

The polyps montanara

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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