Liver mousse

Liver mousse
Liver mousse 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Cut livers in two or three parts and various privatel of nerves.

Keep for a couple of hours in a Bowl under a trickle of running water along with the calf's liver.

Put a cake mould in the refrigerator, then prepare the jelly and allow it to cool until it has an oily texture.

Pour about 1/3 into the mold and turn it so that the gelatin is completely.

Put the mold in the refrigerator and repeat after half an hour.

Heat the butter in a wide pan, add the finely chopped onion and diced Bacon and fry gently until the onion is not browned.

Drain livers, dry with kitchen paper and place it in the pan with a dozen crushed juniper berries.

FRY for a few minutes turning often, then wet with cognac evaporate before you put the fire out.

Season with salt and pepper and let cool.

Pour the entire contents of the pan into the mixer and blend until obtaining a smooth and homogeneous mixture, then travasatelo into a bowl placed inside a bowl with water and ice.

Start to beat with electric mixer at medium speed, add in the cream and continue to whisk the mixture until it becomes swollen and foamy.

Pour the foam a little at a time into the mold pressing well so that they do not remain empty.

Smoothed the surface and pour a finger of advanced jelly (if in the meantime it was firmer, heat the wax and make it cool again).

Put the mold in refrigerator (not the freezer) for a few hours or even over night.

When serving, turn the mold onto a plate of proper fit.

To facilitate the operation, covered the mold with a cloth previously immersed in boiling water and well wrung out.

Decorate the plate with salad or sheets of Red radicchio, and the surface of the mousse with sliced gherkins or, if desired, of black truffle.

Serve with triangles of bread or slightly toasted brioche loaf.

Liver mousse

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 8 persons


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