Mess of lasagne with mushrooms and pistachio bèchamel

Mess of lasagne with mushrooms and pistachio bèchamel
Mess of lasagne with mushrooms and pistachio bèchamel 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Turn on the oven and bring it to 200°. Thaw the porcini and slice them thinly.

Put in a pan the garlic cloves poached with half a glass of wine and cook until the wine has evaporated; If necessary prolong cooking add little water. When the garlic cloves will be sufficiently softened, remove their shirt and add the mushrooms; salt and pepper lightly and let Cook for 10 minutes.

When cooked, add the chopped parsley and olive oil.

To prepare the bèchamel light, which should be very soft, putting in a saucepan the milk cold or at room temperature (I use skim only) with a pinch of salt, butter and flour. Thoroughly mix all these ingredients with a spoon, taking care to dissolve all lumps of flour. When all is well mixed, put the pan on the fire and continue turning with a spoon without stopping until the mixture starts to simmer.

At this point, add a pinch of freshly ground pepper and a pinch of nutmeg. Stir for 1 minute and the bèchamel is ready. Add the chopped pistachio nuts and half of grated Parmesan. Let stand for a few minutes.

Put in a baking dish a few spoonful of bèchamel and compose the mess by spreading a layer of lasagne, bèchamel, and a light layer of mushrooms. Continue until you run out of ingredients; complete with bèchamel and sprinkle with the remaining Parmesan. Pass in a hot oven for 30 minutes until golden brown. After removing the mess from the oven let it firm up for 10 minutes before serving.

Mess of lasagne with mushrooms and pistachio bèchamel

Ingredients and dosing for 8 persons


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