Fried chicken (6)

Fried chicken (6)
Fried chicken (6) 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Prepare tomato vinaigrette: clean the scallion roots, depriving it of the outer leaves and the Green party's harder, wash and chop.

Put in a little bowl with a pinch of salt and pepper, add the balsamic vinegar and stir until the salt is completely dissolved; Add the oil and beat the ingredients lightly with a fork and obtained a well emulsified sauce, combine the pureed tomatoes and chopped onions.

In a bowl, work the egg yolks with a wooden spoon, add, little by little, the sieved flour with paprika, alternating with milk, and allow to rest the batter for at least 1 hour; at the time of use, incorporate and sesame seeds, gently, the egg whites.

Wash chicken breast, dry it with a towel and divide into small pieces; dip them in the batter, drain them and let them fry a few at a time in plenty of hot oil until slightly Golden, will; drain them on a paper kitchen towel type, season with a pinch of salt and serve with the tomato vinaigrette prepared with assorted salad.

Fried chicken (6)

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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