Triglie alla livornese

Triglie alla livornese
Triglie alla livornese 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Wash the mullet under running water, remove the entrails, squamatele gently with the blade of a knife and place them on a plate.

Do heat three tablespoons of olive oil in a saucepan and soffriggetevi the crushed garlic cloves, 2-3 minutes on medium heat.

Remove the garlic and put chopped onion into the bowl.

Let it wilt gently for a few minutes, then add the tomatoes peeled, deprived of seeds and chopped, seasoned with salt and a ground pepper and cook over moderate heat for about 20 minutes.

Passed the fish in flour, making sure they are completely covered, then FRY in a pan with plenty of hot olive oil for about 10 minutes.

When well browned, drain and place them on a sheet of absorbent paper towel to remove excess grease absorbed, then the roundtrip in casserole with tomato sauce.

Let them stand for about ten minutes on moderate heat and sprinkle with the chopped parsley just before removing from heat.

Transfer the fish and sauce to a serving dish and serve hot.


Well-known saltwater fish, the fish are mainly due to the characteristic pink colouring, which is alive in the delicate red mullet, darker, tending to reddish-brown, the red mullet, the less valuable species.

The vividness of the colors is also a foolproof indicator of their freshness, in fact when they subside means that the fish begins to deteriorate.

The lean-fleshed, tasty and rich in thorns of the mullet is much appreciated by gourmets and lends itself to be prepared in different ways depending on the size of the specimens.

Triglie alla livornese

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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