Polipo alla ligure

Polipo alla ligure
Polipo alla ligure 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Put the Octopus whole and 4 potatoes in a pan (without adding any liquid) and let simmer for about 1 hour.

The Pan must have a lid.

After cooking remove the polyp and cut with scissors into small pieces, and place them in a tray.

Dress the Octopus cut with a lemon and olive oil sauce.

Potatoes, divided into 4 segments (will have a purplish color), will be used to garnish the polyp.

Pour into a bowl and mix the yoghurt with the Ketchup.

The sauce, which can be placed as desired on the Octopus, will take up a delicate pink.

Recommended a good Verdicchio of Marche wine served at 11-12 degrees.

Polipo alla ligure

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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