Bon roll classic in sweet and sour sauce

Bon roll classic in sweet and sour sauce
Bon roll classic in sweet and sour sauce 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


BON 06926 ROLL IN SWEET and SOUR SAUCE INGREDIENTS 4 Bon Roll Classic, PEOPLE 1/2 l white wine, a stick of celery, 80 g of bacon, 50 g raisins of Corinth, 12 black olives, a spoonful of capers under salt, onion, 4 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 Bay leaves, 4 juniper berries, flour, salt, pepper.

Preparation time: 1 hour cooking time: 45?? Wrap PROCEDURE Bon Roll in a sheet of baking paper, close the ends tightly and place it in a saucepan.

Pour 3 tablespoons of olive oil, half a glass of water, bay leaf, juniper berries and a little salt.

Simmer, turning Bon Roll occasionally, until the liquid is completely evaporated.

Meanwhile, coarsely chop the onion and the celery and cut the bacon into small cubes.

Withdrawn Bon Roll, discard them lightly in the flour, filter and place it back in the pan with a little oil and when it is lightly golden add the chopped vegetables and bacon.

Let flavor mixing quickly and then pour the vinegar and when it is wet with wine evaporated.

Add the capers, olives, raisins, add salt and cook for 25 minutes in covered container and moderate flame adding, from time to time, a little water.

Bon Roll served cut into slices washed down with the sauce.

Bon roll classic in sweet and sour sauce


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