Tortellini in broth

Tortellini in broth
Tortellini in broth 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


2_04154 TORTELLINI IN CAPON BROTH for 6 PEOPLE INGREDIENTS for the dough: 300 g flour, 3 eggs.

For the filling and baking: 200 g of grated Parmesan cheese, 100 g of pork loin, 100 g of mortadella, 100 g ham, 50 g Turkey Breast, 20 g butter, 2 eggs, nutmeg, salt, pepper, 2 l of excellent Capon broth.

Cut into cubes the pork loin and the Turkey Breast, then FRY them in butter, letting it cook for about 10 minutes.

Passed everything twice to the meat grinder, along with the ham and mortadella, dropping the proceeds into a bowl.

Add two eggs, salt and pepper, a pinch of nutmeg and 150 g Parmesan; knead the ingredients very well, until obtaining a homogeneous compound.

Pour the flour on a pastry Board, take the fountain, add the eggs to the flour, knead them vigorously working the dough for about 15 minutes, will succeed rather firm.

With a rolling pin roll out a thin sheet and with a knife cut it into squares of about 3 cm from the side, or with the special stamp with smooth edge, cut many diskettes.

At the center of each square or round of dough put some mixture, then fold in two matching pasta sides, pressing it well at the edges for cooking the stuffing does not bait; fold then the tortellini around the index finger and overlay the two ends, press down to remain good.

Preparing them one day to the other must be willing, well ordered and non-overlapping, on a floured cloth over a tray or two.

Put on fire the pot with the broth and when it will lift the boil, pour in it, mix with tortellini and cook gently for 2-3 minutes.

Served al dente, accompanying them with grated Parmesan.

Tortellini in broth


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