Mixed vegetable salad

Mixed vegetable salad
Mixed vegetable salad 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


08422 SALAD INGREDIENTS for 4 PERSONS 200 g of fresh peas 200 g tender green beans, 100 g of turnips, 100 g carrots, 100 g green beans, 100 g ham, 100 g cucumber, 1 large head of cauliflower, 1 tbsp capers, 1 tbsp mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar, salt, shredded pepper preparation time: 40 minutes cooking time: 55 minutes: 15 minutes remove from Process cauliflower a clump as big as an egg and wash it under running water.

Clean the peas and the beans.

Put a large pot of salted water on the fire and bring it to a boil.

Throw in the beans and let them cook for 20 minutes.

Proceed the same way with peas and cauliflower cuocendoli separately for 10 minutes each.

During this time wash the carrots and turnips, and peel with a sharp knife, cut into small sticks as if you were making your pickles.

Clean the green beans and rinse under running water, then cut and discard nail in boiling salted water for 10 minutes.

At this point once you drain all vegetables and season them with salt, pepper, oil and vinegar.

Let marinate the vegetables for 15 minutes and then cut the ham and cucumbers into sticks.

Made this salad, enriched with the ham and cucumbers in a bowl topped with mayonnaise and sprinkled with capers.

Related vegetables, mixing them well with mayonnaise and serve immediately.

For the mayonnaise if you do not want to use that packed, you can mix an egg yolk with a coffee spoon? strong mustard.

Add salt, pepper, minced and stir a spoonful of lemon juice with a tablespoon of vinegar while continuing to mix everything, even with the help of a blender with a glass of olive oil added to the wire.

Why? mayonnaise can need to use all ingredients at room temperature by embedding them slowly so that binds well with each other.

Mixed vegetable salad


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