Mess of meat and mashed potatoes

Mess of meat and mashed potatoes
Mess of meat and mashed potatoes 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


01259 MESS of MEAT and mashed POTATOES INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 2 chopped onions, 30 g butter, 500 g of minced beef, 20 cl of tomato sauce, a tablespoon of chopped parsley, 1/2 teaspoon of dried thyme, one clove of garlic, 2 tablespoons dark raisins, 2 tablespoons of bread crumbs, 2 tablespoons grated Gruyere for the mashed: 1 kg of potatoes, 30 cl of milk, 30 g butter, spices to taste, salt and pepper Preheat oven to 210° Place the raisins in a bowl with warm water and allow it to soften for 30 minutes, Peel and wash the potatoes, Cook for 30 minutes.

Place chestnuts in a potato masher and let them fall into a bowl.

Add the warm milk, salt and pepper, spices and butter soft, mix the ingredients together and keep aside.

In a saucepan melt the butter and let dry onions for 5 minutes, add the meat and continue cooking for 10 minutes over high heat, stirring often.

Pour the tomato sauce, parsley, thyme, garlic, peeled and crushed salt and pepper.

Stir and let stand for 10 minutes then add the raisins.

Place the preparation in a baking dish and cover with mashed potatoes, sprinkle with the cheese and breadcrumbs and place in oven to bake for 10 minutes at will you can serve the mess with a green salad.

Mess of meat and mashed potatoes


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