Bucatini with pecorino and pepper

Bucatini with pecorino and pepper
Bucatini with pecorino and pepper 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


2_03319 BUCATINI with PECORINO and pepper INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 350 g di bucatini, 80 g of pecorino romano cheese, white pepper, black, red and green, Jamaican pepper Split the bucatini into three, so they release during baking the maximum amount of starch.

Cook in salted water for a few minutes, should be almost raw.

Drain and place in a pan where you will continue cooking over high heat with small additions of their own water, such as a risotto without fat.

Grate the pecorino.

Just before removing from heat bucatini, toss with the cheese and a generous ground a mix of white, black, red and green with a tinge of Jamaican pepper, aromatic notes similar to nutmeg.

Stir and serve immediately.

Bucatini with pecorino and pepper


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