Mushroom ravioli

Mushroom ravioli
Mushroom ravioli 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


2_03211 RAVIOLI with MUSHROOMS INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 300 g of fresh ravioli 300 g mushrooms, 50 g of grated cheese, 30 g of butter, a nut for vegetable broth, a spoonful of flour, an egg yolk, a sprig of parsley, salt, pepper.

Dissolve bouillon in 300 ml of warm water.

Cut the mushrooms into thin slices and FRY in butter; When they have absorbed all the water that disperse, Add flour and sauté for a few minutes again.

Pour the broth and Cook Sweet heat, stirring constantly, until a smooth cream.

Add salt, pepper, add half the cheese and, away from the fire, the yolk and the chopped parsley.

Meanwhile, Cook the ravioli in salted water, drain and put them in a pot to cook.

Cover the ravioli with sauce, sprinkle with the remaining cheese and gratinateli in the oven for a few minutes.

Mushroom ravioli


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