Bread and cabbage soup

Bread and cabbage soup
Bread and cabbage soup 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Chop the onion and celery and put to fry with oil in a saucepan.

Apart, cut the cabbage into thin slices, holding it for a few minutes in fresh water, so without leave it to drain, throw it in the sauce.

Put the potatoes cut into cubes, without adding water, just that of cabbage, and add all the vegetables for about ten minutes.

Aside from you did boil the beans, passatene half through a sieve and add to the vegetables along with their water, how much it takes to make the soup.

As soon as the potatoes were a little emotion, mash with a fork, arrange it with salt and finish cooking.

Put two slices of toasted bread in bottom of each bowl, sprinkle with cheese and pour the hot soup.

Bread and cabbage soup

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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