The tournedos rossini (2)

The tournedos rossini (2)
The tournedos rossini (2) 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Are slices of tenderloin cut in the most subtle of the piece after the tip.

They, generally, a thickness from 3 to 5 cm and weight ranges usually from 100 to 150 g.

Each tournedos remove the streaks of fat, cuticles and nervetto.

Tie all around with the white kitchen Twine because cooking keep their round shape.

Leave In a pan melt the butter and when Hazel becomes lay the meat.

Let Cook to vivacious fire for a minute on both sides, turning with a spatula.

Lower the heat and cook for 7-8 minutes if you prefer them to the blood or for 10 minutes cooked to perfection, if abundant.

Pour the Marsala or Madeira, tilt the skillet and turn the match with a wine.

Let me turn off the flame, transferred the tournedos on a serving platter and remove the Twine.

Dilute the broth with the cream, add the Pate, a pinch of salt and mix to obtain a homogeneous sauce.

Heat to moderate heat until the sauce has thickened in the proper place.

Pour over the tournedos and serve.

If desired, garnish with two slices of black truffle and white.

Accompanying wines: Barolo Riserva "DOCG, Solaia VdT Di Toscana, Brindisi Rosso DOC Patriglione.

The tournedos rossini (2)

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 6 persons


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