Tortiglioni with cheese

Tortiglioni with cheese
Tortiglioni with cheese 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Sift the flour on the work surface, making her fall at fontana; the Center put the two types of cheese, the cream, a pinch of salt, paprika and butter softened and cut into pieces.

Knead the ingredients so you get a smooth, hard and reach into or a ball and let rest in refrigerator wrapped in a damp towel for 30 minutes.

Then, roll out the dough into a sheet of half a centimetre thick, striped long setting 10 cm long and 1.

5 cm -2; roll them up Crossways on themselves, forming many spirals.

Place these on the oven plate moistened with a little water and brush thoroughly with beaten eggs.

Pass the plate in the oven already warm (220 degrees) for 10 minutes, or just enough to cook the tortiglioni; then remove them from the oven, let stand for a few minutes at room temperature, then soak off the plate, place on serving dish and serve immediately.

Wanting to serve them later, you can heat the tortiglioni in oven for a few minutes.

Tortiglioni with cheese

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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