Potato and bacon sandwich

Potato and bacon sandwich
Potato and bacon sandwich 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Wash the potatoes and boil at medium flame for 25 minutes (must be cooked but still perfectly packed).

Drain, let cool and Peel.

Modeled the potatoes with a sharp knife, removing the convex part, so that it is flat.

Cut them in half and farcitele with a slice of bacon, a cheese and another of bacon.

Between an ingredient and the other, add a few whole thyme and Marjoram.

Linked the potato sandwich with a thin Twine.

Heat the butter in a skillet with 3 tablespoons oil and FRY until potatoes are well browned evenly.

Transfer the browned potatoes in a baking dish and put them in for 5 minutes in hot oven.

Serve sandwiches immediately after sprinkling them with freshly ground pepper.

Potato and bacon sandwich

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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