Pie turkey blanquette

Pie turkey blanquette
Pie turkey blanquette 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


3_10158 PIE BLANQUETTE TURKEY INGREDIENTS for 6 PERSONS 600 of Turkey Breast, 450 g minced Turkey meat, 250 g small mushrooms, a stick of celery, carrot, leek, 4 slices of bread, a glass of milk, an egg, a ready-made puff pastry and spread, 1/2 l chicken stock, 1, 5 dl of cream, the juice of one lemon, a nut, a few tablespoons of flour, 4 tablespoons of olive oil, 100 g butter, salt, pepper.

Cut the Turkey Breast into 4 pieces.

Scrape for good carrot and cut it into chunks.

Wash the celery, remove the external strands with the help of a potato peeler.

Cut it into small pieces.

Wash the leek, remove the outer leaves and cut into thin slices.

In a nonstick saucepan and heat some tall oil spoon and saucepan to the Turkey meat.

Pour the chicken stock, add the prepared vegetables and simmer 20 minutes.

Cleaned with a damp cloth fungi; cut them into thin slices, then let them jump into a non-stick pan in a knob of butter, until when their water is not evaporated.

Add salt, stir and keep aside.

Remove the crust from the bread slices; coarsely break it into small pieces, put it in a bowl and soak with milk.

Place the minced meat in a bowl, stir well wrung bread, egg, salt and pepper.

Mix the ingredients well, then make small meatballs and put them in flour.

Bring to a boil a litre of water and let dissolve the nut, bake the meatballs, when will rise to the surface, drain and place them on a plate lined with paper towels.

Remove the Turkey Breast from the pot and cut into cubes.

Dissolve 50 g of butter in a saucepan, lively focus add a tablespoon of flour, cooking Turkey filtered and lemon juice, stirring constantly.

Remove from heat, add the cream and stir.

Add the meatballs, diced Turkey and mushrooms.

Pour the preparation in a cocotte for baking; cover with the pastry.

Bake 15 minutes at 210° when cooked, remove from oven and immediately brought to the table.

Pie turkey blanquette


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