Bucatini with spinach au gratin

Bucatini with spinach au gratin
Bucatini with spinach au gratin 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


2_03960 BUCATINI with SPINACH AU GRATIN INGREDIENTS for 6 PERSONS 400 g of bucatini, a kg of spinach leaves, 2 leeks, 300 g of diced, cooked ham 60 g butter, 50 cl milk, 2 tablespoons flour, breadcrumbs, a sprinkling of nutmeg, salt and pepper.

Bring to a boil salted water and bake the bucatevi.

Drain then al dente and tenteli aside.

Wash spinach thoroughly, time in salted boiling water and Cook 10 minutes.

When cooked, drain and let cool.

Strizzateli then thoroughly with your hands and chop coarsely.

Wash the leeks, dry them and cut them into rings.

Heat 10 minutes in boiling salted water for 10 minutes.


In a bowl, mix chopped spinach with the leeks, add bucatini and ham cubes and stir.

Grease a baking dish and pour the pasta.

Preheat oven to 180° Meanwhile, in a saucepan, melt half of the butter, add the flour and cook 3 minutes, stirring continaundo.

Add the milk and continue to stir, add salt and pepper and sprinkle with nutmeg.

Pour this sauce over pasta, sprinkle with the breadcrumbs and the rest of the butter cut into small pieces.

Bake and Cook 20 minutes, until the surface is distressed.

When cooked, remove from oven, let rest for a few minutes, then serve immediately.

Bucatini with spinach au gratin


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