Pere martine to barbaresco with ice cream

Pere martine to barbaresco with ice cream
Pere martine to barbaresco with ice cream 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


PERE MARTINE to A20000 ' beard ' ESCO with CINNAMON ICE CREAM INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE: Martine pears, 4 1/2 litre of wine ' beard ' esco, 200 g sugar, 1 Laurel leaf.

For ice cream: 1/2 litre of cream, 3 eggs, 100 g sugar, cinnamon to taste.

Peel pears and PROCEEDINGS deprive core material.

Put them in a saucepan where previously was dissolve the sugar with wine and Bay leaves.

Cook over medium heat until they have become just soft, drain and replace wine syrup to restrict on fire.

Let cool then cover with the syrup pears.

For ice cream, simmer the cream with cinnamon (quantity depends on personal taste).

Meanwhile, aside from prepared egg yolks whisked with sugar, then add the cream and softened well.

When cool, pour into ice cream maker and let it install fine.

Drain the pears in a pan with their syrup, put into each dish a scoop of ice cream, warm PEAR alongside and after the sauce has thickened, pour over pears and some ice cream.

Pere martine to barbaresco with ice cream


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