The boscaiola turkey stew

The boscaiola turkey stew
The boscaiola turkey stew 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


TURKEY STEW to 09599 BOSCAIOLA INGREDIENTS for 4 PERSONS 600 g of Turkey's inner thighs, 300 g mushrooms, 1/2 onion, 1 tablespoon flour, 4 tablespoons olive oil, 1/2 glass of white wine, 1 meat, 1 nut tuft of parsley chopped, 250 g cream, 1 dusting of pepper, 1 pinch of salt.

PROCEDURE cut the meat into cubes.

Peel the onion, wash, dry and chop finely with a knife or with the Crescent.

Heat the oil in a casserole without smoking it.

Add the onion and let it cook over gentle stirring with a wooden spoon until it is well browned.

Meanwhile you have powdered the meat with the flour and you did loose the nut of meat in 1, 5 l of boiling water.

In the saucepan with the sauce pour the meat and gilds it for 5 minutes (the meat should be well dried).

All wetted with wine, evaporate 3 minutes, add salt and pepper.

Pour the nut meat broth in saucepan, cover with a lid, lower the heat and cook until not stew will be more watery.

In the meantime you'll clean the mushrooms and remove the Earth and you'll cut into thin slices.

Add the mushrooms with chopped parsley to prepare and cook for about 10 minutes.

Join to last the cream as thicken the mixture.

Serve immediately.

The boscaiola turkey stew


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