Bon roll with gorgonzola cream

Bon roll with gorgonzola cream
Bon roll with gorgonzola cream 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


BON 2_06417 ROLL with GORGONZOLA CREAM INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE For the meatloaf: 250 g veal, minced meat 250 g Minced pork meat, 2 packages of grated emmental cheese, 2 slices of bread the day before, 1 egg, 1 onion, parsley, olive oil, salt, pepper.

70 g of gorgonzola, 60 g of cream cheese, 30 g cream Mix the two types of meat with a sprig of parsley, a pack of cheese, finely chopped onion and beaten egg, salt and pepper.

Cut up the bread crumbs and mix it with the other bag of cheese and add to the meat that will be spread out on a floured countertop, then rolled up giving it the shape of a trunk.

Wrap the meatloaf in baking paper and place it in a baking dish.

Sprinkling it with oil and half of the wine, place it in the oven already warm (200°) and simmer for about 40 minutes, basting occasionally with wine.

Upon expiration of the time retire it and remove the paper, and then store it in the oven and let them take a little color.

Meanwhile prepare the gorgonzola cream: place all ingredients in a saucepan, put on the fire and stir constantly until complete dissolution.

Serve the sliced meatloaf and sprinkling with gorgonzola cream.

Bon roll with gorgonzola cream


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