Mashed potatoes with apples to the aroma of ham

Mashed potatoes with apples to the aroma of ham
Mashed potatoes with apples to the aroma of ham 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


13204 mashed POTATOES with APPLES to the aroma of HAM INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE a prepared for mashed potatoes, a box of powdered milk, apples golden, 2 4 bones of ham, 50 g of cured ham into strips, 2 knurled nuts, 25 g butter, salt and pepper Preheat oven to 150ø.

Arrange on a baking sheet covered with aluminum paper strips of ben ham spread and bake for -20 15 minutes, until they are crisp.

Peel apples and cut into pieces.

Melt the butter in a saucepan and add the Apple pieces, pour a quart of water, then add ham bones, nuts and bring to a boil, Cook for 30 minutes Tracorso this time, remove the ham bone and with a hand blender mix until a smooth cream.

Add the prepared for mashed and dried milk, stir and let sit for one minute.

Serve the mashed potatoes and garnish with strips of crispy prosciutto.

Mashed potatoes with apples to the aroma of ham


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