Mixed fried fish, vegetables

Mixed fried fish, vegetables
Mixed fried fish, vegetables 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


07428 MIXED FRIED fish, vegetables 4 PERSONS INGREDIENTS 4 8 prawns, tails fresh anchovies, squid, an Eggplant 4 small, white mushrooms, 4 2 carrots, peppers lombardi, 4 4 spring onions, 1 egg, 120 g of flour, oil for frying, salt.

PROCEDURE Remove the gut from the queues of black shrimps and make 3-4 small incisions in the belly.

Clean the anchovies, wash them and open them in half.

Dry them well.

Clean the squid without breaking them, wash them and dry them well.

Peel vegetables and cut them into slices or small pieces.

Beat egg slightly and add very cold water till you get 240 ml of batter.

Add the sifted flour and beat slightly.

Dip vegetables and fish in batter and FRY in plenty of oil (before the vegetables and fish).

When the ingredients are well browned, remove them, let them dry on paper towels and serve immediately.

Mixed fried fish, vegetables


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