Summer tartlets with fillets of red mullet grigliat

Summer tartlets with fillets of red mullet grigliat
Summer tartlets with fillets of red mullet grigliat 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


SUMMER 00914 TARTLETS with GRILLED RED MULLET FILLETS INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE a box of puff pastry, spread butter and flour for the molds, a beet, fennel, fresh cream, red mullet fillets, 4 4 tbsp curry oil and vanilla, 3 tablespoons olive oil, salt, pepper Butter 4 small pastries moulds, sprinkle with flour and foderateli with the puff pastry; infornateli, in the oven already warm at 180° for 20 minutes.

Wash the beetroot and fennel, remove the stalks and cut them into small pieces.

Let them cook for 20 minutes, with a tablespoon of olive oil, stirring occasionally.

Add the cream, salt and pepper.

Heat the remaining oil in a pan, add the fillets, skin side and cook for two minutes, turn them over and continue cooking for another 2 minutes, Drawn, with scented oil, a circle on each plate and ask yourself a warm beet filled tartelletta and fennel well hot.

Arrange fish on small pastries and served without waiting.

Accompanied with a salad.

The ointment is prepared with curry 10 THERE of olive oil, one teaspoon of curry and the seeds of a vanilla stick.


Summer tartlets with fillets of red mullet grigliat


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