Milk chocolate donuts

Milk chocolate donuts
Milk chocolate donuts 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


19478 MILK BUNS INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 18 eggs, 100 g of butter, 20 cl of whole milk, 450 g of flour, a tablespoon of salt, 15 fresh yeast, 60 g caster sugar, oil d? frying peanuts, powdered sugar for garnish.

Tools: a pasta from 8 cm and a 1 cm Keep the eggs, butter and milk, for one hour at room temperature.

Sift the flour and salt in a bowl.

Pour 2 tablespoons milk in a bowl and mix in the crumbled yeast.

Beat the eggs with sugar, pour the yeast into the flour and add the rest of the milk and eggs.

Knead the mixture with your hands, gradually incorporating the flour.

When the dough is smooth roll out in 10 mm thick: it must be a bit sticky.

Cover it with a damp cloth and let it rest for 1 hour, 1 hour and 1/2, at room temperature: should double in volume.

Past the time of rest, pull the dough with his fists and, without stop kneading, add the softened butter.

When the dough is smooth, shiny, sticky again, cover it with a damp cloth and keep it in the refrigerator for 4 hours or overnight.

Flour the work surface and a baking plate.

Mash the pulp with fists, bring it on the floured work surface and roll out the dough to a thickness of 2, 5 cm.

Cut out circles with a 18 round pastry cutter and cut the center of these circles with a smaller pasta cutter.

Place on floured plate and keep aside for 30 minutes.

Prepare the oil for deep-frying to 180° Dip 2 or 3 Donuts at a time and let them Brown for 5 minutes, rigirandole halfway through the cooking.

Drain and place them on a plate covered with paper towels.

Sprinkle with icing sugar and let cool.

Serve immediately.

Milk chocolate donuts


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