Milk chocolate coconut crepes stuffed with pork

Milk chocolate coconut crepes stuffed with pork
Milk chocolate coconut crepes stuffed with pork 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


15467 CREPES STUFFED with COCONUT MILK with ROAST PORK INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 100 g soya sprouts, cucumber, 2 Purple Onions, salt, hoisin sauce (Chinese sauce dense, dark bitter sweet flavour and spicy prepared with fermented soya beans, garlic, dried chillies, spices, vinegar and sugar.

Available exotic grocery stores, can also be found under the name of BBQ sauce) For the pork: 500 g of pork loin, 50 g of tomato paste, 1 tablespoon hoisin sauce, 2 tbsp honey, 2 minced garlic cloves, 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger 1 teaspoon five-spice powder (spicy Brown, spicy and slightly sweet from a mixture of star anise, Szechuan pepper, fennel seeds, cloves and cinnamon, sometimes also cardamom, ginger and licorice), salt and pepper.

For the crepes: 120 g rice flour, 4 dl coconut milk, an egg, a tablespoon of icing sugar, 50 g of coriander leaves, peanut oil, salt.

Stir the tomato paste with the hoisin sauce, honey, garlic, grated ginger and five-spice.

Cut the meat in half lengthwise, add salt, pepper and spalmatela evenly with the spicy mixture.

Place in a bowl, cover and leave to marinate for a few hours.

Heat the oven to 220° place the meat with the marinade on a grid, in a pan with boiling water and cook in the oven for about 20 minutes, let cool and cut into thin slices.

Sift rice flour into a bowl, add eggs, icing sugar and a pinch of salt.

Mixed by pouring the coconut milk, filter and let the batter rest for a few hours at room temperature.

Grease oil a small pan of 12 cm in diameter, 3 sprinkle coriander leaves and pour 2 tablespoons of batter.

Quickly swirl the Pan make sure that the batter is spread on the bottom and cook on medium flame until lightly golden.

Turn with a spatula and Brown the other side.

Put it on a plate and prepare the same way some 20 crepes.

Wash the soya shoots, heat for a few seconds in boiling salted water, drain and let cool.

Clean the cucumber and spring onion and cut them into sticks.

Every crepe stuffed with some meat, slice some soy sprouts, cucumber sticks and onion and seasoned with a little hoisin sauce.

Cone roll them up and place them as in a container suitable for transport.

Milk chocolate coconut crepes stuffed with pork


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