Mascarpone cream berries

Mascarpone cream berries
Mascarpone cream berries 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


17858 BERRY MASCARPONE CREAM INGREDIENTS for 6 PERSONS 250 g of mascarpone cream, 250 g of whipped cream, 50 g fresh raspberries, fresh currant 50 g, 100 g fresh strawberries, 50 g of fresh blueberries, 50 g of vanilla sugar, juice of 1/2 lemon, 50 g of maraschino.

Put the washed and dried fruits in a bowl to soak with the liquor, lemon juice and vanilla sugar for a couple of hours.

Whip the cream and set aside.

Take the mascarpone cream and add the fruit macerated leaving aside some fruit for garnish, spatulate thoroughly and add the whipped cream; When the mixture is well blended, divide it into cups, guarnitele with some fruit and keep them in the refrigerator until ready to serve.

Mascarpone cream berries


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