Fried tortellini skewers

Fried tortellini skewers
Fried tortellini skewers 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


15228 FRIED TORTELLINI KEBABS INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 28 tortellini in brodo (perhaps advanced), 2 eggs, 6 tablespoons of breadcrumbs, 6 dl of peanut oil, salt.

Preparation: 10 minutes cooking time: 15 minutes per serving: 564 Calories Drained tortellini from cooking broth in which you have stored.

Dry thoroughly using a few sheets of paper towel from the kitchen.

Thread tortellini in wooden skewers (7 per skewer).

Pour the oil in a large frying pan and heat it over medium heat.

Beat the eggs in a dish with a fork and brush with the tortellini, making sure that all the skewer becomes wet evenly.

Spread the breadcrumbs on a tray, in the bread passes the skewers so that the tortellini are covered completely.

Fry the skewers for two minutes in hot oil, before it begins to smoke, rigirateli and let them FRY even from the opposite side for a more minute.

Place on paper towels to remove the oil and sprinkle with salt before serving.

Fried tortellini skewers


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