Marinated sardines with tomato vinaigrette

Marinated sardines with tomato vinaigrette
Marinated sardines with tomato vinaigrette 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


2_07003 MARINATED SARDINES with TOMATO VINAIGRETTE INGREDIENTS for 4 PERSONS 800 g of pilchards, 1 large red onion, 1 dl of red wine vinegar, 4 ripe tomatoes, 1 teaspoon coriander seeds, salt.

Clean the pilchards, eliminating the scales under running water, then remove the heads, gutted fish and rinse well.

Allineateli in a baking dish of glass or porcelain that contains them well in a single layer and put over the coriander grains.

Peel the onion and cut it into thin slices.

Bring all to a boil and let simmer over low heat for a few minutes.

Pour the hot liquid still over the fish and let stand until completely cooled.

By this time the fish are ready for consumption and keep in a cool place for up to 24 hours.

Peel the tomatoes, remove the seeds and puree the pulp with a little salt and a few tablespoons of the marinade.

Drain the fish from their marinade and serve with tomato vinaigrette.

Marinated sardines with tomato vinaigrette


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