Tournedos clamart

Tournedos clamart
Tournedos clamart 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE a can of peas, 4 or 8 pickled artichoke hearts 4, fillets, 50 g butter, 1/2 cup Madeira 1/2 glass of water, salt and pepper.

Do warm up slowly the peas in their own juice until boiling.

Please warm up the artichoke hearts in the same way in another saucepan.

Put the fillets to cook in a skillet, over high heat, 30 g butter, sprinkle the pretzels; When they are golden, sufficiently after 1-2 minutes, turn them over without not puncture.

Add salt and pepper and simmer until the blood pearls surface: now the tournedos are ready.

Place in a warm serving dish, drain the artichoke hearts and peas and add a knob of butter to the latter.

Put them on the artichoke hearts and arrange on plates, around tournedos.

Keep warm.

Pour the Madeira and the broth or water, into the Pan where you cooked the fillets and let boil, so as to reduce it by half.

Scrape the bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon to retrieve the meat juice.

Serve the sauce separately and accompanied with potatoes or chips.

Tournedos clamart


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