RISOTTO with PUMPKIN 02 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


02516 PUMPKIN RISOTTO INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 4 tablespoons of olive oil, 4 tablespoons butter cut into pieces 450 g pumpkin flesh cut into pieces of a cm, 3/4 teaspoon chopped Sage 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped, 2 tbsp lemon juice 2 large shallots, finely chopped 50 ml Vermouth, white, 1, 2 l chicken stock, 60 g of grated Parmesan, 350 g of arborio or carnaroli rice, 300 g of Roquefort or dolcelatte, cut into small pieces, salt and pepper.

Put half the olive oil and one tablespoon of butter in a baking dish, add the pumpkin pieces, sprinkled with Sage, half of the garlic, salt and pepper, then stir.

Heat oven to 210° and bake for twenty minutes.

The pumpkin should start to become soft and roast.

Put it in a dish and riducetene press puree half coarsely with a fork, add the lemon juice and keep aside the rest of the pumpkin.

Heat the remaining olive oil with a tablespoon of butter in a large pot often and thoroughly over medium heat.

Fry the shallots and the rest of the garlic for about a minute, add the rice and toast for 2 minutes, stirring well.

Pour the Vermouth in the rice, stir, when it absorbed paid 225 ml of boiling broth, stir occasionally until complete absorption.

Continue to add the broth, letting the rice absorb the broth before each addition, but without ever leaving Cook rice without broth.

The risotto should be soft and the rice is al dente.

Add the pumpkin puree and pieces into risotto, with the rest of the butter and the Parmesan.

Remove the pot from the heat and gently stir the roquefort.

Served hot.

If you want to impress, you can serve the risotto0 directly into the pumpkin, which will serve as a soup tureen, in this case bought a pumpkin? mantovana?, big and yellow, cut it in the lead (you will need to cover), remove the seeds and the pulp and proceed with the recipe.

Risotto with pumpkin 02


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