Tuna and mushroom flan

Tuna and mushroom flan
Tuna and mushroom flan 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


01050 FLAN with TUNA and mushrooms INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 1 package of flaked patète; 2 cans of tuna in oil; 1 pack of mushrooms mushrooms; 1 package of cream; 1/4 of a litre of milk; 2 eggs; 2 onions; cognac; nutmeg; salt and pepper; Prepare the mashed potatoes with 1/4 of a litre of water, milk and half of the butter, put a tablespoon of salt, mix well.

In a Saute pan with the rest of the butter, the grated onions and before they start to Brown add the mushrooms, cleaned and chopped, FRY for a few minutes.

Fiammeggiate with cognac and chopped tuna aggregate.

Simmer everything for a few minutes at most.

Stir in mashed patète cream, beaten eggs, flavored with pepper and nutmeg.

Pour everything into a mold from flan, Cook in the oven, Bain-Marie, for 35 minutes.

Tuna Terrine served with béchamel sauce with mayonnaise or light.

Tuna and mushroom flan


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