Pasta pie with mushrooms

Pasta pie with mushrooms
Pasta pie with mushrooms 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


01101 MESS of PASTA with MUSHROOMS INGREDIENTS for 4 people: 160 g butter, oil, 1 onion, 250 g of minced beef thin flesh, 1 glass low; of white wine; salt and pepper; broth; 2/3 mushrooms; 1 sprig of parsley, 400 g pasta (penne or celery), 1 mozzarella rather coarse, plenty of grated Parmesan, a good handful of pangratto.

Heat in a 40 g butter pan with two tablespoons of olive oil.

Finely chop the onion and Brown gently in hot sauce.

Then add the chopped meat mixture and Cook, stirring frequently with a wooden spoon.

At this point sprinkle with the white wine, add salt and pepper and Cook Sweet flame for 45 minutes, combining, if necessary, a little hot broth.

Meanwhile clean the mushrooms, raschiandoli with a Pocket knife to deprive them of all the Earth, and then by wiping them with a damp cloth.

Cut the mushrooms into thin slices and let them jump on open flame in a pan where you did melt 50 g of butter.

When they issued all their vegetation water and will well dry, sprinkle them with the chopped parsley, sprinkle the pretzels, pepateli and cook for about 20 minutes on low heat, adding a little broth if the water that still contain wasn't enough to keep them moist and to prevent it from sticking to the bowl.

If the latter is antiaderedente, you can type in any case, avoid adding broth.

Meanwhile you proceeded to bring salted water to a boil in a saucepan: bake the dough that scolerete al dente (if you want to stop the cooking, passed quickly drained pasta under cold water); Grease a baking dish and you seek training for yourself a "bed" of pasta, using half that available, distributed on some butter (which you previously did soften at room temperature), then cover with meat and his cooking.

Arrange meat on sliced mozzarella and then formed a layer of mushrooms Parmesan spolverizzerete.

You still a layer of pasta and finish with the mushrooms.

Distributed in some other surface butter and cover with Parmesan and breadcrumbs mixed together: this "marriage" will let the mess makes a crispier (grating).

If, instead of making just one layer of meat and mozzarella in the middle of the mess you can make two intermediates.

Heat oven to 200 › and gently twist the mess that you cook for about 20 minutes.

Spent the time indicated, the baked pie and bring it straight to the table, in the same container.

The portions will share directly in front of the Diners;

Pasta pie with mushrooms


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