Recipes with veal fillet steaks

In the following list of recipes you can find 4 recipes made with veal fillet steaks ingredient.
  • Brown the steaks in butter 2 minutes per side, spolverizzandole with almost one tablespoon of pepper chopped, then just add the cognac and flame it, tilting...
    Main ingredient: Calf
  • Brown the steaks in butter 2 minutes per side, spolverizzandole with almost one tablespoon of pepper chopped, then just add the cognac and flame it, tilting...
    Main ingredient: Calf
  • Brown the steaks in butter 2 minutes per side, spolverizzandole with almost one tablespoon of pepper just chopped, then add the brandy and flame it, tilting...
    Main ingredient: Calf
  • Brown the steaks in butter 2 minutes per side, spolverizzandole with almost one tablespoon of pepper just chopped, then add the brandy and flame it, tilting...
    Main ingredient: Calf