Recipes with pan pesto

In the following list of recipes you can find 3 recipes made with pan pesto ingredient.
  • Prepare the broth, preferably with meat. When it is about to boil, prepared in a bowl the egg yolks, bread and Parmesan pesto: mix well and diluted with a...
    Main ingredient: Egg yolks
  • Put a pot on the stove with water and salt. When it boils add the pesto bread, stir and cook for 5 minutes. Turn off the heat, add the washed and chopped...
    Main ingredient: Basil
  • Drain tuna well by the oil, with the Mashers pass or frullatelo and collect the tuna in a bowl. Combine eggs, pan pesto and parmesan and mix well. With the...
    Main ingredient: Tuna