Woods cup (4)

Woods cup (4)
Woods cup (4) 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Prepare the base for the risotto alla crema and keep it in the freezer in the ice cream maker for the time necessary to make it freeze.

When the basis for Creamed is ready, spread it, balls, four cups from champagne.

Pick wild fruit to your taste, having the foresight to buy fruit at the right point of maturity and without any dents.

Wash chosen fruit and drain; then spread it in bowls, garnishing them with pleasure.

If you want to add to the ' forest ' cups, serve with sour cherry syrup mixed with liquor: pour the mixture into a sauce pan so that each diner can pour as you wish on your competition.

Woods cup (4)

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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