Frost mandarins with kiwi

Frost mandarins with kiwi
Frost mandarins with kiwi 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


20784 FROST MANDARINS with KIWI INGREDIENTS for 6 PEOPLE A l Mandarin juice, the juice of one lemon, 2 mandarins, untreated, 250 g sugar, 25 g gelatine in sheets, 2 kiwi, 150 ml of Mandarin liqueur.

In one pour 3 tablespoons stencil liquor of Mandarin.

Rotetate the pan to moisten the inner surface uniformly.

Repeat the operation with the other molds and then put them in the freezer.

Soak the gelatin sheets in cold water 20 minutes.

Wash well the mandarins, rubbing in skin.

Sbucciateli and put aside the cloves.

Grate the Peel in a bowl with a grater with holes, avoiding the white part of the Peel.

Bring to a boil 350 ml of water in a large pot, pour the Tangerine zest and lemon juice and add sugar.

Bring slowly to a boil and cook 5 minutes, stirring fresh focus.

Squeeze the gelatin sheets, add them to the hot Mandarin juice and let them melt stirring constantly.

remove from heat and let cool.

Then place the mixture in the refrigerator 10 Mandarin minutes.

Then add the liqueur, mix and pour the mixture in the molds.

Place in refrigerator at least 6 hours to achieve perfectly.

Peel the Kiwis, wash them and dry them.

Cut them into thick slices about 1/2 cm; divide the slices in half.

Immerse the bottom of stencils a few seconds in hot water.

Place the dishes on individual ramekins one at a time and turn upside down to sformarli.

Place a few Tangerine slice on top of the machine and the kiwi slices around the plate.


Frost mandarins with kiwi


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