Borraggine ravioli and branzino

Borraggine ravioli and branzino
Borraggine ravioli and branzino 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


A03110 BORRAGGINE RAVIOLI and BRANZINO INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE for the dough: 150 g flour 00, 70 g of borraggine scalded in boiling water and chopped 1/2 cup of white wine, 1 egg, salt. For the filling: 250 g of chopped crab, Sea Bass fillet 100 g, 1/2 glass of sparkling white wine, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 2 cloves of garlic, parsley, 1 tablespoon soft butter, 1 tablespoon flour, salt, a little cognac. For the sauce: 1/2 cup of dry sparkling wine, 1 bottle of cream, a little onion, 1 knob of butter, 1/2 cup of fish fumet (obtained with scraps of fish facts boil for an hour in salted water with carrot and onion). Prepared before the filling, making Brown the crab and sea bass in oil scented with garlic and parsley; savoury pies. Put aside approximately 50 g of crab for the sauce. Soak the fish in a pan with cognac and after a moment together butter mixed with flour; Cook for 10 minutes. Mix everything well stir and put aside the filling while you prepare the dough, knead all ingredients. By hand or machine, roll the dough and cut it into squares. Place in the center of each a spoonful of filling, close the ravioli and cut with a reeded. For the sauce, place in a pan over heat the onion and the sparkling wine, reduce and add the cream. The comic and the crab kept aside. Reduce again, add the butter and mix with whisk. Cook the ravioli and serve on hot sauce.

Borraggine ravioli and branzino


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