Crayfish and bean puree

Crayfish and bean puree
Crayfish and bean puree 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


07509 CRAYFISH and mashed BEANS INGREDIENTS 4 PEOPLE 500 grams of red beans, 24 crayfish, 8 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, 1 teaspoon mustard, 40 drops of Worcestershire sauce, salt.

Shelled beans PROCEDURE.

Clean the prawns, but attacked the heads.

Of course you can also buy shrimp already cleaned.

Cook the beans in lightly salted water, stirring occasionally, for not sticking to the bottom.

Drain them when they're tender, taking care to keep aside the cooking water, which will serve.

Be sure to boil this water and immerse the shrimp for five minutes, no more.

Reduce pureeing the beans, patiently passing them through a sieve or blender.

At this point, prepare a sauce in a bowl, with the whisk, eight tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil with a teaspoon of mustard and 40 drops of Worcestershire sauce.

Place the mashed beans, heat seal, at the Centre of the plate, put over the prawns and seasoned with mustard sauce.

This can also be presented if aside, gravy boat.

Crayfish and bean puree


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