Scallops au gratin 05

Scallops au gratin 05
Scallops au gratin 05 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


A00071 SCALLOPS AU GRATIN INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 12 scallops, a jar of yogurt, 200 g of mushrooms, a carrot, a stick of celery, onion, spring onion, a cup of flour, 2 eggs, a glass of white wine, parmesan cheese, olive oil, salt and pepper Open raw scallops, grabbing the clam with the left hand, the hinge point must be located at the base of the thumb.

With your right hand insert the knife between the valve on the opposite side to the hinge.

Made an undulating motion, lift the upper shell, insinuating the blade under the body of the shellfish.

With the blade make two semicircular movements, to the right and to the left in order to sever the muscles that hold the clam to the platform.

Open, remove the valve and remove the clam.

Cut the clams in half horizontally and allargateli in the concave valve.

Clean, stick of celery, onion and onion, wash the vegetables and cut them into sticks.

Clean the mushrooms, remove the earthy parts with a damp cloth and thinly slice them up.

In a saucepan heat a tablespoon of olive oil, add the vegetables and let them dry for 2 m.

adding the mushrooms, stir and continue cooking for another 5 m.

Pour the flour, stirring with a wooden spoon to incorporate it thoroughly, then pour the white wine without ceasing to stir.

Let it evaporate and meanwhile break the eggs and mix it with yogurt.

Pour into casserole yogurt cream and eggs and stir vigorously with a whisk, add salt and pepper.

Spread the mixture on the scallops, sprinkle with the grated Parmesan and bake for 15 minutes 180° until they hired a beautiful golden color.

Serve immediately.

Scallops au gratin 05


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