Tuna carpaccio salad and avocado

Tuna carpaccio salad and avocado
Tuna carpaccio salad and avocado 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


08615 SALAD with TUNA and AVOCADO CARPACCIO INGREDIENTS for 4 PERSONS 200 g of tuna carpaccio, an avocado, 50 g walnuts, Brazil nuts 100 g lattughino, a lemon, 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, a sprinkling of pepper, a pinch of salt.

Preparation 40 minutes Baking 2 minutes squeeze the lemon and strain the juice through a strainer, close-mesh net.

Cut the slices into strips of tuna circa1, 5 cm wide and arrange on a large plate, then sprinkle with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and sprinkle with pepper.

Let marinate 15 minutes fish.

Cut the root to the leaves, remove lattughino marred and disconnect the other healthy leaves from core, wash them in cold water and drain in a colander.

Tamponandole dry with a kitchen towel and with a knife cut it into strips.

Place the walnuts in boiling water 2 minutes then drain.

Wipe them with a rough towel to remove the film covering them and let them dry on a paper towel for 10 minutes, then chop coarsely with a knife or a Crescent.

Wash and cut the avocado in half, remove the outer Peel and core and with a knife cut it into cubes of a cm to the side.

Spread on a serving dish the strips of lattughino and ask yourself over the chunks of avocado and chopped walnuts.

In a bowl mix the lemon juice with salt and 2 tablespoons of warm water.

Add the oil a little at a time and stir.

Add the strips of tuna, tamponatele with kitchen paper and sprayed the salad with the dressing.

Serve immediately.

Tuna carpaccio salad and avocado


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