Roast beef and chick pea salad

Roast beef and chick pea salad
Roast beef and chick pea salad 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


08180 ROAST BEEF and chickpeas SALAD INGREDIENTS for 4 PERSONS 200 g of cooked roast beef in piece, boiled carrots, 200 6 g drained weight canned chickpeas, a shallot, a boiled egg, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 4 tablespoons peanut oil, 3 tablespoons capers, 3 tablespoons mixed chopped herbs (chervil, parsley and chives), 4 gherkins, chives for decoration, salt and pepper.

Cut the sirloin into small chunks and slices carrots.

Peel and mince the shallots.

Shelled and mash with a fork the hard-boiled egg.

Emulsify the oil, vinegar, salt and pepper.

In a bowl place all ingredients except herbs, pour the vinaigrette and mix very well.

Add chopped herbs, add salt, pepper and stir.

Spread the preparation in the plates, garnish with chives and serve immediately.

Roast beef and chick pea salad


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