Tomato and avocado aspic

Tomato and avocado aspic
Tomato and avocado aspic 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


00161 TOMATO and AVOCADO ASPIC INGREDIENTS for 4 people: 4 ripe red tomatoes, 2 avocados, a bunch of vegetables to the broth, 2 knurled nuts, 3 sheets of gelatine, salt and pepper.

Prepare a broth with a liter of water, vegetables, nuts, Cook for about an hour, colatelo and add the softened gelatin sheets in warm water and well wrung.

Cook over low heat until they are dissolved.

Peel the tomatoes, previously blanched, cut the flesh into cubes.

Peel the avocado, remove the core and cut the flesh into small pieces.

Season with salt and pepper, then place the vegetables in layers into a mold from flan; pour the gelatinous broth and let it sit for 4 or 5 hours in refrigerator, (keep aside a cup of gelatin that you put in a large pot and that serves, once solidified, making the decorations).

When serving put the aspic on a large serving dish and to better remove the wrap the mold preparation in a cloth wet with warm water.

Serve with a basil-flavoured vinagretta.

Tomato and avocado aspic


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