Peach and melon soup

Peach and melon soup
Peach and melon soup 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


20605 PEACH and MELON SOUP INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 2 ripe but firm melons, peaches in white 2, yellow paste 2 peaches, lemon juice, vanilla pod, 2 tablespoons of honey.

Peel the peaches.

Cut the melons in half, remove the seeds and, with the help of a scavino, obtained from the pulp so many balls.

Retrieve the rest of the pulp of melons and pour into mug of a food processor with a yellow and white peach.

Break the vanilla pod in half and, using the tip of a knife, scrape the Interior and add the seeds to the fruit pulp.

Blend everything for a few minutes.

In a saucepan pour the honey with lemon juice and heat a minutoal microwave or in a double boiler.

Pour everything about fruit puree and stir well.

Pour the fruit puree into glass bowls and garnished with melon balls and slices of peaches.


Peach and melon soup


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