Tulip of strawberries

Tulip of strawberries
Tulip of strawberries 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


20374 TULIPE STRAWBERRIES INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 40 g butter, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, butter for stencils, 8 leaves of pasta brick/fillo (thin pancake flour on sale at Oriental products stores), granulated sugar.

For the garnish: 400 g of strawberries, 3 tablespoons orange liqueur, 2 tablespoons honey, acacia? 2 tablespoons sweet white wine, 50 g white chocolate, lemon balm leaves for garnish.

Wash the strawberries, drain and depicciolatele; cut into slices and keep them aside on a plate.

Pour the orange liqueur, honey and white wine in a pot, tilting it to mix the ingredients without using any tool to stir, bring to a boil and let it reduce for 30 seconds, then simmer.

Pour the mixture over the strawberries, cover the dish with plastic wrap and let marinate for an hour in the refrigerator.

After this period, preheat the oven to 180°, melt the butter fresh focus by adding cinnamon and butter 4 ramekins.

Brush with cinnamon butter each sheet of dough, sprinkle them with sugar and dispose of, two at a time, in moulds, pressed lightly.

Let them Brown, for 10 minutes in hot oven, then gently prelevateli and keep them aside on dessert dishes.

Let cool and cut the piece of white chocolate into small chips.

When serving, stir Strawberry slices and drain; distribute them in pasta, then tulipes garnish with chocolate shavings and lemon balm leaves.

Tulip of strawberries


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