Confetti fried

Confetti fried
Confetti fried 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 500 g flour, 3 eggs, 1/2 lemon, 3 tablespoons sugar, 1/2 glass of grappa, 3 sachets of vanilla, 3 vials of natural colour (yellow, red, green), a sachet of baking powder, salt, oil.

Divide the flour into bowls to prepare three batters.

Each part add the zest of half a lemon with a tablespoon of sugar and mix well.

Add an egg every Bowl, half a capful of grappa, a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of vanilla and knead vigorously for 2 minutes.

Combined with the dough half a vial (or more depending on if you want a more or less strong colour) of dye, half a teaspoon of yeast and knead the whole thing.

Remove the dough from the bowl and, with floured hands, form a slab.

Let it stand for 10 minutes.

Roll out the dough with a rolling pin, pulling a browse rather thin, and stenciling by cookie or a small glass of liquor, formed many circles and FRY in hot oil.

Serve warm and covered in powdered sugar.

They are also good cold.

Confetti fried


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