Ligurian focaccia

Ligurian focaccia
Ligurian focaccia 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


LIGURIAN FOCACCIA 2_10233 INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 500 g flour, a pinch of sugar, half a cube of yeast, 3 tablespoons oil, salt, water q.


to prepare a dough soft enough, yet oil and coarse salt for cooking and the surface.

Dissolve yeast in a little water, add a little flour until you have a smooth dough but smooth, cover and let stand at least 1/2 hour.

Place the flour on a work surface, add the remaining ingredients and dough which has already soared.

Knead with energy until a dough soft and elastic and not attacks on work surface, place it in a bowl, cut a cross on the surface and cover, leaving at least 2 hours to rise.

Once the leavened dough, take a sheet of wax paper and covered the bottom of the Pan that you intend to use for cooking and ungetelo thoroughly with oil.

Then turn the dough leavened bread on sheet.

Roll it out with his hands, so it's rather thin.

Then, using your fingers, create the "dimples" by inserting the ends into the paste and drag slightly to enlarge.

Preheat oven to 200° Prepare an emulsion of oil and water in equal parts and sprinkle the surface of focaccia.

Let stand about 20 minutes and bake in the oven already warm.

As soon as the cake is cooked, remove it from the oven and while it's still hot brush again with oil and water emulsion and sprinkle with coarse salt.

Ligurian focaccia


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