Loire vegetable pie

Loire vegetable pie
Loire vegetable pie 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


10251 LOIRE PIE with VEGETABLES INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE a box of puff pastry (2 discs), 500 g potatoes 500 g of spinach, a head of lettuce, 1 garlic clove, 30 g of extra virgin olive oil, one tablespoon of chopped parsley, a pack of cream, 50 g of grated Parmesan, an egg, salt and pepper.

PROCEEDINGS Wash spinach well and let them drain.

Wash and dry the lettuce; then cut it into strips.

Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices.

Heat a little oil in a large frying pan, doratevi and tamponatele potatoes with absorbent paper towels.

Heat the remaining oil in another pan and soffriggetevi the crushed garlic, then take it out and thrown into the pan the spinach and lettuce.

Cover and leave to dry for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

When cooked, add the parsley.

Lined with a disc of puff pastry a not too large, distributed on the bottom the potatoes and over half of the cooked vegetables.

Sprinkle with salt, pepper, cheese and cream.

Cover with the rest of the sautéed vegetables.

Place the other disk of dough to cover the vegetables.

Drill a hole in the center of the dough and place a cardboard cone to allow steam to escape.

Brush the surface with beaten egg and bake in hot oven at 180° for 40 minutes.

If the surface were to darken too much, cover it with a sheet of aluminum foil.


Loire vegetable pie


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