Muscovy duck lacquered with honey and white turnips

Muscovy duck lacquered with honey and white turnips
Muscovy duck lacquered with honey and white turnips 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


09958 MUSCOVY DUCK and HONEY LACQUERED WHITE TURNIPS INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE a Muscovy duck (better if brought up with vegetable nutrition) of approximately 2 kg ready for cooking, 5 g of crushed white peppercorns, 10 g of salt, salt, fleur de sel, 150 g of honeydew honey d? FIR, 1 kg of turnip Milan white to pink collar.

Heat the oven to 150ø.

Fiammeggiate the duck and tie the legs and the base of the wings with gastronomic wire to join the body.

Practice of small incisions in the skin without damaging the meat.

Put it in a baking dish, sprinkle with coarse salt and the crushed peppercorns and is over with your hands to massage the seasoning into the incisions on the skin.

Spennellatela with honey evenly and gilds in oven for 45 minutes, wetting it occasionally with cooking.

Remove from the oven, transfer the duck on a plate, remove from baking sheet surface fat, without removing the honey that is located below, and keep it aside.

Put the duck in the Pan, sprinkle with remaining honey at the bottom and continue baking for 45 minutes other wetting it often with the cooking.

Discard the excess fat, holding it aside.

Squirt the duck with honey and put it back in the oven for about half an hour, it occasionally with cooking.

Let stand the duck out of the oven for 15 minutes before serving.

Peel turnips, wash them and cut them into wedges.

Put them in a saucepan, cover with cold water and bring to a boil.

Drain and let them dry in a pan for a few minutes.

Roundtrip on a plate and heat in skillet cooking fat kept aside.

Let Brown the slices of turnip, dry them on absorbent paper and spolverizzateli with fleur de Sel.

Cut the duck into four, scaloppate breasts and serve with turnips sprayed with cooking the duck.

Muscovy duck lacquered with honey and white turnips


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